Woowww, it was really nice weekend, Su Wern and me arrived in Munich at 12:30 on Friday 22.09. On the way, we met a girl from Brazil, so we three were walking around and doing sightseeing in the down town, visiting the most important landmarks, it was really nice and we

took lunch (Sandwich :)) in a tower of a church with a wonderful view, in a sunny day and nice fresh wind. At around 3pm, Su Wern and me founded a park next to the Ministry of Justice :) we were laying there for an hour, talking, enjoying

the music around and taking pictures of some families who were wearing traditional clothes, the whole family, because those traditional costumes are wore not just in the tents of Oktoberfest, but also in the streets, that was the nicest thing that people in the streets were wearing traditional clothes which made us feel like in a movie :)
At 5pm we went to the main square to see and listen the “show” that the clock of the church gives, it’s 10 min, I had already neck ache :) but it was worth because it was very soft music and some toys moving on the tower, but the cool part was to see soooo many people looking at that :) people from around the world, all looking at it, taking pictures, everybody in silence and just the bells leading the dance of the toys. I liked it a lot!!!
Finally at around 8pm we were meeting a lot of trainees and having interesting and funny chats in an school were we were TRYING to sleep, on Friday was terrible because it’s not easy to fall sleep on the floor when you are not tired and there are 75 people in the same gym taking, drinking, playing… well on Saturday at 11am we went to Oktoberfest. We went to the oldest tent, really big, a lot of people, everywhere, a lot of meat and potatoes and guess what else???

Beer!!!!!!!!!!!! There were two options for drinks: Beer or Beer with lemonade :) and every beer is 1 litre, those big mugs that everybody, but everybody were holding in their hands and waving while singing traditional songs that most of the people didn’t know what the lyrics meant but were all singing. Like a huge really huge family :) and almost every member of that traditional family was wearing the costumes, women were looking pretty and men quite silly :) (That’s my personal opinion ;) )
At 4pm I had headache and I felt like drunk already, so, three more

girls and me (we were all in the same conditions and we drunk just 1 litre of beer by then) went for sightseeing, that was the best thing we could do, we went to a group of palaces that are together around a big lake and on the side of a river, and we were at the perfect time to see a red and romantic sunset. (Hey, other trainees are teasing me because I am too romantic and I take too much time to see the nature and specially sunsets… they are getting to know me ;) )

We came back to the tent at around 10pm thinking that everybody would be dead and SURPRISE!!! They were all more crazy than never and full of energy and everybody was dancing and they all knew by heart all the traditional songs, they bought hats and souvenirs, so, the atmosphere was great, we had another litre of beer and then went to sleep, this time… not even the cold and hard floor could disturb our sleeping time.
On Sunday 24.09 all trainees from Berlin, 15 :) came back at 12:44 because we had 10 hours by train to come home and we changed train 5 times, so, you can imagine how many stupid, funny, silly, interesting, boring and great moments we had together on the way back to Berlin. That made us come closed to each other and I am feeling with a huge group of friends that I can count on and not just have fun :) God loves me.
On Monday 25.09 I was too tired and I could hardly work, yesterday and today I have been working harder and I am up to date that’s why finally I am writing about my weekend, not because I didn’t want to share with you my experiences :)

Woowww, fue un fin de semana super chevere, Su Wern y yo llegamos a Munich a las 12:30 el viernes 22.09. En el camino conocimos una nina de Brazil, asi que estuvimos conociendo juntas el centro de la ciudad, los lugares turisticos mas importantes, y almorzamos (comimos un sandwich :)) en la torre de una iglesia, con una vista super linda, en un dia soleado con mucho viento fresquito. Como a eso de las 3pm, Su Wern y yo econtramos un parque al dao del Ministerio de Justicia :) nos recostamos en el prado como 1 hora, hablamos, disfrutamos de la musica alrededor y tomamos fotos de las familias que llevaban trajes tradicionales, toda la familia, porque esos trajes tradicionales no solo los usan en las carpas de Oktoberfest tambien en las calles, eso fue lo mas chevere, ver en las calles a muchas personas usando esa ropa tipica fue como de pelicula :)

A las 5 de la tarde fuimos a la plaza principal y ver y escuchar un “show” que el reloj de la iglesia da, son 10 minutos, ya me dolia el cuello :) pero valio la pena porque era musica muy suave y unos munequitos que estan en la torre bailando y haciendo el show, pero lo mejor de todo fue ver tanta gente viendo el espectaculo :) gente de todas partes del mundo, mirando, tomando fotos, todo mundo en silencia y solo las campanas liderando el baile de los munequitos. Me gusto mucho!!!
Por fin, como a las 8pm estabamos conociendo muchos practicantes y

teniendo conversaciones interesantes y divertidas en un colegio donde INTENTAMOS dormir, el viernes fue terrible porque no es facil dormir en el piso cuando no estas cansado y cuando hay 75 personas en el mismo gimansio charlando, bebiendo, jugando… bieno! El sabado a las 11am nos fuimos para Oktoberfest. Estuvimos en la carpa mas antigua super grande, muchisisisisima gente, en todas partes, mucha carne y papas y adeivinen que mas??? Cerveza!!!!!!!! Teniamos 2 opciones para beber: Cerveza o Cerveza con limonada

:) y cada cerveza era 1 litro, esos grandes jarros cerveceros que todo el mundo, pero todo el mundo tenia en su mano y movia de un lado para otro mientras cantaban canciones tipicas que la mayoria de las personas no sabiamos que significaba la letra pero todos cantabamos. Como una inmensa familia :) Y casi todos los miembros de esa familia tradicional llevaban trajes tipicos, las mujeres se veain bonitas y los hombres ridiculos :) (Esa es mi opinion personal ;) )
A las 4pm yo ya tenia dolor de cabeza y me sentia prendidita, asi que otras tres chicas y yo (estabamos todas en las mismas condiciones y solo habiamos bebido

2 litro de cerveza cada una hasta ese momento) nos fuimos a conocer mas, eso fue lo mejor que pudimos haber hecho, fuimos a un grupo de palacios que estan al rededos de un lago grande y a la orilla de una rio, llegamos justo a tiempo para ver un romantico atardecer como rojo-naranja. (Ja, los practicantes estan molestandome porque soy demasiado romantica y tomo demasiado tiempo para ver la naturaleza y especialmente los atardeceres… ellos me estan empezando a conocer ;) )

Regresamos a la carpa a eso de las 10pm pensando que todo el munod estaria cansadisimo… SORPRESA111 todos estaban mas locos que nunca y llenos de energia, todos bailando y ya se sabian de memoria todas las canciones tradicionales, habian comprado somreros y recuerdos de Oktoberfest, asi que el ambiente estaba genial, nos tomamos otro litro cerveza y nos fuimos a dormir, esta vez… nisiquiera el piso frio y duro logro perturbar nuestro sueno.
El domingo 24.09 todos los trainees de Berlin, 15 ;) regresamos a las 12:44 porque viajamos 10 horas en tren y cambiamos de tren 5 veces, bueno! Se podran imaginar cuantos momentos estupidos, divertidos, interesantes, aburridos y cheveres compartimos juntos de regreso a Berlin. Eso nos hizo sentir mas cerca el uno de l otro y ahora me siento como en un gran grupo de amigos con los que puedo contar y no solo divertirme :) Dios me ama.
El lunes 25.09 yo estaba demasiado cansada y dificilmente pude trabajar, ayer y hoy he estado trabajando fuertemente y ya por fin estoy al dia por eso por fin estoy escribiendo a cerca del fin de semana, no porque no quiera seguir compartiendo con ustedes mis experiencias :)
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