Finally: Sandrita's blog

viernes, noviembre 03, 2006

Photos from Prague! Fotos de Praga!

In this link you can find them:
En este link pueden encontrarlas:


  • At 7:27 a. m., Blogger swern said…

    Oh~ the photos look great~ I wonder who shot them?... hehe

  • At 5:00 p. m., Blogger Maria Ris said…

    Hola linda.

    Tienen razón los que afirman que praga es una de las ciudades más lindas.

    Te quiero muchoooooooooo
    Mamá Ris

  • At 1:15 a. m., Anonymous Anónimo said…

    Hello Sandra
    The pictures are lovely!
    I’ve been to Prague many times and I never get sick of it. I stayed last September to study. I love Czech people they are very nice and friendly and also a literate society, as you can see here in this government document. Besides the small streets, I also enjoy in this city the night life, the Prague music clubs are all so cozy and have such a nice environment and decoration and make you want to stay long. So leave you here a list of nice bars for next time: )
    I want to visit Colombia soon!

  • At 12:17 a. m., Blogger Admin said…

    Hola! Que bonitas fotos de Praga, como las que he visto en Que ganas tengo de visitar esta ciudad. Un saludo


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